Tuesday, December 27, 2005

12/27/2005 - HAPPY HAPPY...

Well, another year about to come to a close. Christmas is now behind us and the new year just days away. So many thoughts and feelings have been going through my mind lately. The Christmas season was great, and it was so fun to celebrate with my wife and kids AND my boyfriend all together under one roof. We also had some friends over so it was a full house!

I was able to send out cards to many long-standing friends, and send email messages and phone text greetings to some other for whom I don't have a mailing address. I'm sure there are still others whom I missed, and to them I say "Happy, Happy Ho Ho!!!" I hope that everyone's Christmas was blessed and that the coming year is filled with opportunities to do more of what we want to do with our lives!

We've had our share of health issues with my daughter dealing with Crohn's disease that doesn't seem to want to rest. The rest of use battling IBS or migraines along with other minor maladies that just make living and working that much more of a challenge. All in all our health has been good - and I pause to think of friends who have HIV, AIDS, Cancer and other life-threatening illnesses. I pray a special prayer for them. It is a prayer of peace, of healing and of love. I've often said to family and friends that I am a great nurse but a terrible patient. If I'm caring for someone who is ill - I will do pretty much whatever I can to make them comfortable and to make sure their needs are met even before they voice them. But, when I'm I'll - a lot of the time I just want to be left alone. I'm trying to be less like that - and more open to allowing others to provide comfort to me. It is just not how I was raised and is so foreign to me that it feels wrong. I say this because I know other people who are ill, who have a hard time facing others or allowing themselves to "need" others in their illness. I'm trying to be more understanding of that and find creative ways to be compassionate and available to them.

For those of us who have been experiencing good health - may it continue into and through the new year!

There is a lot on which I can reflect from 2005, and I probably will in an upcoming blog. In the meantime I just want to send out warm wishes of love and peace to all who read this. May you have peace in your lives, in your heart and in your world.

With all my love and hope for the coming year!

WOOF ya later!
- bbw

Monday, December 05, 2005

12/05/2005 - ON THE RUN...

No, I'm not trying to hide from the holiday crowds and the crazy mall traffic - although I will avoid them as much as I can... but I am moving forward in life at a rather quick clip! This past week and weekend were full of activities and it doesn't look like things will slow down for some time.

My bf and I participated in an art auction this past weekend, both contributing an original piece for sale. All time, supplies and artwork were donated by about 100 local artists, including five really good bands who supplied live music for the auction audience. There were also countless volunteers to help get the venue ready by cleaning, setting up tables, serving drinks - you name it! The event was a total success with amazing attendance and it raised over $11,000 for the Children's Health Fund. My wife, kids and other friends were in attendance and really enjoyed viewing the art and taking in the experience!

We also did our family Christmas cards in our typical family tradition. To make it more of a fun thing - we always go to a local restaurant early on a Saturday morning and order food to eat while we all write out cards, share stories and just basically have a fun time. We also include friends who want to participate and this year my bf came with us.

After doing our cards, we attended the Turtle Creek Chorale holiday concert. This was a first for my children and they really enjoyed the show!

As we get closer and closer to Christmas and New Years, our schedules get tighter and tighter. There are several evenings where I am double-booked and still trying to figure out how to be in two places at one time! No matter! I'm not going to stress out about it and will only do as much as I can. :)

This year the holidays will be somewhat different than in the past few years. Since our last church disbanded and since I'm no longer attending the new church - many of those old friends are no longer in touch with me or with my family. We are still sending them Christmas cards - but I will miss seeing their faces and sitting down to pot-lucks with them. I wish them all the best for their holidays and the coming year. Saying goodbye to the old usually means that we are also saying hello to something new. This year, my bf will participate in our family traditions, feasts and celebrations. I'm not sure how comfortable or awkward any of that will be, but if Thanksgiving is any indication - we are all going to have a wonderful, comfortable, very merry Christmas and a happy New Year!

I'm more excited about the holidays this year than I have been in about 4 years... I hope you are excited too!

WOOF ya later!
- bbw

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

11/22/2005 - LETTING GO...

As Thanksgiving approaches, there is so much in life for which to be thankful. Sometimes it is harder to see those things. As we become busy with work, family, friends and just daily survival - we can miss the miracles that surround us every second of the day. My prayer for the world is that we all find a way to slow down, to look around, to let go of things that are holding us down, or are simply just not important, and that we take time, no, MAKE time, to do those things that are important. We need to do the things that feed our passions and our souls.


I had a vision today of a man. Perhaps he was you, or maybe he was me. This man walked around with his left hand balled up into a fist. He was not an angry man and he wasn't attempting to express discontent with a particular person or thing. In fact, he was quite a peaceful man; sort of quiet and even a little sad.

The man's left hand was balled up because he was holding a fistful of sand. He didn't even notice it much anymore, except when he felt some of the sand working through his fingers and spilling out. It had become second nature to him, to hold onto the sand with all his might. So while he was rather laid back and relaxed in most aspects of his demeanor and lifestyle - his left hand and arm had become rigid and stiff. The veins protruding under the bronzed skin covering muscle, sinew and bone.

From his youth, he remembered that day on the beach so clearly. The old woman, who reminded him of a gypsy fortune-teller, had told him to thrust his hand deep into the sand and grab a big handful of the slippery stuff. She told him to hold onto it and never let go. She explained that those grains of sand, each little one, represented a piece of him - and that losing even one grain could result in the loss of something too important to do without.

This had a tremendous impact on his boy-mind - and he worried about his future. He asked the old woman how he would be able to go through life without the use of his left hand. The old woman told him that the sacrifice of his left hand was insignificant compared to the control he now had on his life and his future. She told him that his left hand now held all the power he would ever need to be successful at business, at love and at life in general. She warned the boy that if he were to give up and drop the sand - he would be forever cursed and doomed to failure and even to the point of death. Then she walked away and eventually disappeared on the horizon.

While the boy had been impressionable and intimidated by the prospect of death, with age that intimidation had become determination. Very soon the boy learned to do things using only his right hand. As his dexterity improved, his confidence grew and he felt better and better about himself. The only time that really concerned him was at night, when his body relaxed and he worried about loosening his grip and losing the sand while he slept. So he had devised a contraption of cloth and rubber bands that he placed on his hand each night to assure that his hand would stay tight. Over time, even this became unnecessary as his body learned not to relax his left hand.

As years went by, from time to time a few of the smaller grains of sand would shift and work their way through the cracks in his fist and fall out. At these times the man would panic. He would begin to imagine that his sight would go, or that his kidneys would cease to function. Perhaps he would lose his job or his dog would run away. These panics would be so debilitating that it would take days, sometimes even weeks for him to fully recover, and only after realizing that those particular grains of sand must have represented something minor. Perhaps it was the reason his hair was thinning.

Every now and then - he would begin to sense a deep aching in his left hand. It started out as a minor pain, but soon would work up into a vicious throbbing that radiated from his hand with the pain and heat of a wild fire. The first time this happened - he went to the doctor, desperate for some painkillers. After the doctor called him into the examination room - the man explained about the pain and about the sand in his hand. The doctor looked at him dumbfounded and told him the only thing he needed to do was to let go of the sand. The doctor then started to explain the physiological implications of holding his hand closed so tightly, but was interrupted by the man who, without allowing further explanation, began hurling insults at the doctor and then ran from the examination room, never slowing down until he was safely home. Tears were streaming down his face, but he didn't understand why.

Then suddenly the man in my vision looked up at the mirror in his foyer and saw me. He asked me if I was a vision or a reflection and I told him I was no longer sure. I noticed that the front of my shirt was tear-soaked as well. Then I asked the man to show me his left hand. He held up his fist to the mirror, knowing that I could not touch it. I asked him to show me what was inside of his balled fingers. He withdrew slightly and said that he could not, because if he opened his hand, he would die. I looked into his wet, tired eyes and said three simple words; “It’s just sand”.

Suddenly the man’s mind reeled with images of all the things he had given up as a child, as a young man and as an adult in order to hold tightly to his sand. He remembered the playground where he watched the other kids swing as he stood by gripping his treasure. He remembered the awkward high-school years when he wanted to play baseball and football but settled for being a fan on the sidelines – enduring the taunts of others who called him the “sandman”. He remembered the warm brown eyes of the one woman who ever took the time to talk to him, and who encouraged him to know her better by opening his heart, and his hand to take hers. The salt of new tears blurred these images and burned his face as he realized what a fool he had been. How the old woman at the beach had tricked him and how he had been so gullible. And yet, even in the midst of this revelation – his hand stayed shut like an iron cage.

Defeated, he looked back at the mirror and into my eyes. Desperately he asked – “what can I do?”

Looking back at him, I said that his hand had been closed for many, many years, and that he could not expect to simply open it wide at once. I explained that he needed to go slowly, and break old habits by consciously willing his hand to open. I told him it might take days, months or even years for him to regain full dexterity in his hand, but that the first step was to make the decision to let go. Let the sand fall free. Take the twisted, gnarled hand and treat it with warmth and with love and eventually it would return to him with the usefulness God intended.

As the vision began to fade from me – I thought I saw the man smile, but his head dropped down and I couldn’t be sure. I followed his gaze to the floor to see what he was staring at and there it was; a small,
but growing,
...pile of sand.


Peace, love and thanks to all of you!

WOOF ya later!
- bbw

Monday, November 14, 2005

11/14/2005 - SEARCHING...

I'm in a weird mood today - so who knows what this blog will reveal! Maybe it's because I'm tired. The weekend was a busy one as I volunteered to work a vendor booth and also work security at the IGRA (International Gay Rodeo Association) National Finals, held in Mesquite, Texas this past weekend. My bf and I both volunteered and had to be there early in the morning. By Sunday evening we were just completely worn out. We stopped for dinner with friends on our way home and then got to his place and just crashed...

All in all it was a wonderful weekend though. We got to see some dear friends and meet some new people too. I was able to take some pictures of the rodeo and hopefully some of those will turn out good enough to include in my portfolio.

Also, on Thursday, my bf and I celebrated the one-year anniversary of our first face-to-face meeting (we really didn't consider it a date - we just attended the same movie with a group of people). That was a spectacular milestone for us. I'm proud of him and of myself in a small way - for sticking together and communicating with each other through the hard times. He's really an amazing man!

I guess that is what got my mind wandering as I drove in to work today. I thought about how wonderful he is and how much he says, and shows me he loves me. Then I thought about why I find that so incredible, and actually, very hard to believe. I think it goes back to my being raised to think I would never amount to anything - and therefore - never be loveable. On the conscious level - I don't think I ever bought into that. But at some deeper levels - I think I'm conditioned to believe it even today. That is something about myself I want to change.

I started thinking about why, when it appears I have everything I will ever need to bring me happiness and fulfillment, I feel the need to search for something else, or something more. Why can I not accept things as "good" and let them be? Why do I have to have these nagging little thoughts that tell me "it's too good to be true"? Can't it just be true?

I get the feeling that the something else I'm searching for is actually something inside of me - or maybe missing from inside of me. I've worried in the past that I will never really be able to love someone, simply because I don't think I was ever taught what love is, and how love (healthy love) is supposed to look. I'm thoroughly convinced that I can make others "feel" loved. I can even convince myself that I "love" that other person. But - there is still the nagging question in my brain, asking "Is it real? Are you sure? Could you just be fibbing to yourself and to the other person - and then believing your own lie?" This turns into absolute torture for me as I doubt myself, my own intentions, my own feelings and those of everyone around me.

If it is torture for me - imagine what it is like for the people whom I profess to love - when they become aware of my questions, my insecurities, my distrust of myself and of them.

That's why I can tell you that my bf is an amazing man. He knows these "bad" things about me. He even understands a little bit about why I have such doubts. He knows my demons - and also knows that they are not "me". Yes, they are a part of me. They are a part of my experience, but they do not equal me as a person. He knows, and tells me, that I am much larger than those demons, much better and kinder in spirit, and much stronger - so that one day, I will recognize them and overcome them.

So what am I searching for? What are so many of us in the world out there searching for? Perhaps it is the day, or the moment, when we can recognize our own strength, and our own goodness, and then be able to apply that recognition to our new experience of life and finally put away our self-doubts and truly love ourselves, and all of those who are around us, without ever wondering if it is "real". Because then, it will be!

To my hero, my partner, my better-half and soulmate - thank you for making my life "real"!

Peace to your spirits, your searching souls.

WOOF ya later!
- bbw

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

11/09/2005 - PICK UP, MOVE FORWARD...

The election results in Texas are clear: poor voter turnout with an overwhelming lean toward legislated bigotry, divisiveness and discrimination. Of course I'm talking about Proposition 2, that amends the Texas state constitution to define a "marriage" as a union between one man and one woman. It pains me to realize that here in the "bible belt" - there is very little of Christ in our christianity! This kind of legislation directly contradicts the teachings of Jesus - who always upheld inclusion, acceptance and love. I would include forgiveness - but that does not even apply here. Should we require forgiveness for being gay, bi or transgendered? I don't think so. If forgiveness should be applied to this situation in any way - it will have to be our forgiveness of those who voted for the amendment for "they know not what they do".

Speaking of those who are transgendered, how will this amendment impact them? How will they be looked upon under the law that does not specifically define "man" and "woman"? I guess that is up to future court cases to decide. In any event - this is merely a blight on the human record, that I feel will in time be corrected. Our children and their children are already learning how to accept and embrace diversity. Someday they will be more active in our churches, in our schools and in our government - and they will look back and shake their heads at what has happened here today. They will ask themselves and each other - "What were they thinking?!!!"

For us here today - we need to keep hold of hope. We need to accept this minor defeat, pick ourselves up, dust off our britches and move forward, continuing to spread a message of love, acceptance, inclusion and yes, forgiveness. But we also need to practice what we preach! Let's not just talk about it - let's do it.

In the meantime... peace and love to you all!

WOOF ya later!
- bbw

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

10/26/2005 - UNREST...

As the title of today's blog indicates - things in my heart are not at peace. There's the whole issue of the proposed "marriage amendment" to the Texas constitution which is so blatantly discriminatory and down-right hateful that all I can do is encourage EVERYONE to vote "NO" on this amendment (Proposition 2) at the polls. For more information please visit http://www.nononsenseinnovember.com/905/index2.php and then ACT! Go out to the polls and vote "No!" PLEASE!

But there are heavier burdens on my heart today. Some of our dear friends and family are aware that my bf and I were approached several weeks ago to move to New Orleans for a period of 18-24 months or longer and act as foremen for disaster relief, clean-up and restoration/construction crews. At that time we both felt led to do this and had begun necessary arrangements without having a contract or anything concrete in hand. Since then the government and insurance companies have been tying things up in bureaucratic red-tape and slowing, if not completely halting, some of the restoration and clean-up work needed. Because of this - insurance claims have been very very slow to pay and we have been waiting for projects to become available. We are still very committed to going down there and working to rebuild the city. We are also very mindful of our responsibilities to our families and need to make sure that the contracts are written so that everyone will be adequately taken care of.

In the meantime - we were asked last week to drive a work crew of 24 men (some as young as 17) from Dallas to New Orleans to work with the group of Disaster Relief leaders already on site. So we agreed to do that. We both figured it would be a good way to assess what is really going on, and to help determine what we should be doing, if anything, to prepare to make the move ourselves. We were not prepared for the sights and smells that were waiting for us. And, we've been told - things are about 400 percent better now than the weeks immediately following hurricane Katrina and then additional flooding caused by Rita.

The camp site for the crew is made up of two trailers for the Disaster Relief company owners, and foremen already on site. The 24 men we brought with us were placed in a variety of 2 to 5-man tents situated in an old junk yard just a few hundred yards from the airport. You would think that there would be better places to set up camp - but honestly - this is one of the few locations that have power! The camp is very rudimentary, with a single port-a-potty for the men to share - and a converted port-a-potty for a shower. Their days, weeks and months ahead will be filled with hard work, starting at 5:30 or 6am each day - working 60 plus hours each week, dragging trash, knocking down walls and eventually - rebuilding.

As for the city of New Orleans - no pictures, video or words can really express the vastness of the destruction down there. No one will ever truly be able to comprehend the full impact on the emotional state of the residents who have left and the few who have chosen to remain. As we drove past downtown and the French Quarter on Interstate 10 heading east - we noticed the small pockets that still had power. What was overwhelming were the miles and miles of utter darkness - or "blackness" that shadowed what should have been bustling malls, shopping centers, businesses and residence communities. On the east and north ends of the Quarter, there was blackness as far as the eye could see. There were no lights on the freeway. No working lights at the on and off ramps. No electricity anywhere for miles and miles. We peered into the darkness and could just make out shapes of buildings, and signs. We pulled off of the interstate and entered the darkened ghost town that used to be the majority of New Orleans. Everything was still. There was not light. There was no movement. There was no noise save for the few cars that buzzed through on the interstate. But what was so eerie looking at night - became even more nightmarish and unreal during the daylight hours.

What was only "blackness" at night, became these ghostly neighborhoods, completely abandoned, covered in dust and salt from the ocean and lake water that covered every inch of ground and several vertical feet - up to 20 feet in some places.

Each building and even some of the abandoned cars were marked with spray-painted codes indicating dates, water levels, number of people found, number and types of animals found, and other codes identifiable only to those trained to know their meanings. Some houses had the doors and windows open, some shut. You could look into these places and it seemed as if life had just ceased in an instant. There was food on the tables. There were household belongings and cherished treasures left behind. In fact you could find almost everything in place as it had been just before the hurricane hit and the flooding took over. Sure there was also wind damage in a lot of places - but what was more apparent was the flood damage. And what you couldn't find in these neighborhoods - was any sign of life. There were no people. No pets. No birds in the trees. No sounds of birds. Nothing living. Just stillness, destruction and salty dust covering everything.

As we drove through, I thought about how much effort would be required to haul away all of the thousands and thousands of cars, and refrigerators, and washers and dryers, and appliances and garbage, and and .... so much trash. I had heard that some neighborhoods would be dozed - completely razed and reduced to flat ground. I had already seen mountains of debris piled up two or three stories tall. And the clean-up has only barely begun!

Then I started to grasp the idea that even if every home, building, garage, storage shed and dog house were to be rebuilt exactly as it had been before the storm - the area would still never, ever be the same. Why? Because of the salt water which had soaked the ground in the flooded areas. In place of green grass, shrubberies, and majestic palms, oaks, pecans, crepe myrtles and many other types of flora - were rust colored husks, dead from the root to the crown. Many of the taller trees were falling over. Some easily a hundred years old or older. When I finally began to comprehend how deeply the destruction had sunk into the fiber of New Orleans - I began to understand why some former residents had vowed never to return. Perhaps they already understood - their home, their beloved crescent city, would never be the same again.

So I pray. I pray for the people who are yet displaced with little resources and little hope. I pray for the people who are able to return home - realizing that home is forever changed. I pray for the hopeless and for those who are clinging to hope. I pray that hope will grow and continue to grow and flourish into a dream come true. I believe, that like the Phoenix, New Orleans will rise from the ashes and become a living, vibrant creature yet again. I also know that other storms will come - and this jewel of a city in the gulf must be rebuilt better and stronger than it has ever been in the past. Only then can we rest.

I pray for that city and for the freedom and spirit that city represents to me now. God bless us all - and please continue to pray and to help when and where and however you can.

And finally - Mrs. Rosa Parks, sweet light of truth - may your courageous spirit rest in peace.

Peace to all...
- bbw

Monday, October 17, 2005

10/17/2005 - CATCHING UP...

I'm sitting here typing - rather bummed because I had already typed everything I wanted to say and just before posting it, I lost it all! Don't you hate when that happens???!!! I know I do!

Well I'm not in the mood to type it all over again - so I'll do the cheap, watered-down, summary version of my weekend...

I took a road-trip with my bf this weekend to visit with his children, brother and mom as well as some other friends and extended or ex (wife) family members. Overall - meeting everyone was nice. The kids are super - and being with them made me miss my own children a lot. Even though my bf and I had some great quality time together - I missed my wife too. We had agreed to "touch base" each day and that helped us as we both move forward into lives of independence.

I got a chance to visit the place where my bf grew up. We talked a lot about things that had happened there - people he knew, family events etc. I now have a physical location to match up with the stories he tells me about his childhood.

It was a long weekend, packed full of activity and it is good to be home again but I wouldn't trade the trip for anything. It was a wonderful adventure - and I look forward to many many more in my life.

So, even though sometimes I talk about simplifying my life - I guess I'll have to work on that... tomorrow...

Until then....

WOOF ya later!
- bbw

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

09/28/2005 - DISTANCES...

Over the past few years, I've become more keenly aware of how people distance themselves from one another, and some of the reasons they do this. It's not a new phenomenon or anything - but it had never occurred to me in the past. I never had cause to really consider it - or maybe I was just not as aware before.

But lately, it has become something of a bigger matter in my life. I look at my relationships with my wife and with my children. I look at my relationships with friends and associates. In doing so, I find myself awed, surprised, bewildered and confused by the many different ways that we humans turn and maneuver our relationships, particularly when one or more involved parties are going through life's changes. In many ways, it resembles a ballet - or rather, some less disciplined and less controlled form of dance.

This has been very evident for me in my relationships with my "former" best friends, my pastor and his wife - and has also been very evident in others from my church. I say "former" not because there has been any verbal or written declaration of moving away from me and out of my life. In fact - there has been some direct and indirect correspondence suggesting that they want to continue with a loving and supporting relationship. Yet, for some reason only they know, they have declined to put any action behind it. I suppose it is a matter of waiting for me to make the first move. The message has reached me in this way: "We have support over here for you - if you want to come and get it!" - and though I have tried, I cannot understand that position. I can respect it but I cannot accept it. Maybe in the future that will change.

My wife and I have purposely been putting distance between us. Not because our love for each other is diminishing, in fact it is growing! We are applying measures of distance to help each other ease into a marital separation. We want to support each other, and challenge each other to grow as individuals. We both realize that would be very difficult, or near impossible, if we were to cling to our state of couple-hood and not allow for "room" or "distance" between us. We've also realized that it is now even MORE important to come back together and re-connect at times - just to gain stability and check on each other's progress. This has been hard for both of us - but overall - we are seeing more and more rewards in terms of building up individual strength, self-confidence and building new relationships with others.

Some of the challenges that my wife and I face include the fact that we don't move at the same pace. One of us may be experiencing growth that is readily apparent, while the other is still trying to build up enough courage to take an initial step. We have dealt with this and discussed it through tears of frustration and hugs of continued encouragement.

So I feel very good about the distance that we are allowing, and even insisting on between the two of us. We have found new ways to navigate around differences of opinion and perception as a result of discovering our "individual" selves. We no longer feel so much pressure to reach the same point of view, or the same perspective. We've learned so much about respecting the differences between us. I think that will only allow for our friendship to continue to grow, strengthen and flourish!

As for my friends from church, I'm not as encouraged. I'm not sure what to make of their silence. The silence seems to be directed at me - because I know they are talking. They are talking amongst themselves - asking each other about me and how I'm doing. They are asking each other how my children are handling it, or how my wife is handling it. Yet, not one of them has picked up a phone, or a pen, or a keyboard to directly ask me how I'm doing.

I don't usually worry about things like that - and truthfully, I'm not worried at all now - but I do wonder. I wonder because I've seen these people in action when they percieve a need in their community. I've never known them to sit back and wait and let someone, who is supposedly dear to them, come to them when there is a need. Perhaps they don't think I have a need, and for the most part, I would have to say that is true. Perhaps, and most likey I'm guessing, they don't know how to approach me. They don't know what to say. I can understand that - and I can respect that. What I have a harder time respecting is the talking about me...

In any case, I feel more alive today than I have in years. I feel that I have gone through some terribly dark times. I know there will be more ahead - but I hope that the worst ones are behind me. Even if that is not true - I am better prepared and I know I can get through them. Regardless of what others talk about, regardless of how many times they might say they want to support me and love me, yet take no action to do either, and regardless of what anyone might think about my life, my path, my choices or my beliefs - I know that I will survive. I will continue to learn about myself. I will continue to love my wife, my children, my partner and the friends who choose to be with me without requiring anything of me in return. I will do all this because I have what I need. I have my faith in the future and in God. I have my faith in myself and my inner strength. I have my faith in those I call "loved-ones" as they stick by me and encourage me by being in my life and loving me just because they do. Praise be to God - I have EVERYTHING I need!

Genuinely love one another and show each other that love every day!

WOOF ya later!
- bbw

Monday, September 26, 2005

09/26/2005 - THE CALM AFTER THE STORM...

I'm not sure about any of you, but I don't think this nation can take another hurricane right now! Yes, Katrina was horrible and caused a great deal of tragedy. Rita was shaping up to be an even bigger mess, but miraculously turned out to be less costly in terms of damage and loss of life - but for those directly affected - it was tragic enough. I have a great appreciation for storms and the damage they can do to property and to our emotional sense of security. Personally, I'm one of those "nutz" who like storms! I love heavy winds and extreme weather conditions. I do protect and have concern for the safety of my family and I take precautions for my own safety, but I have to admit there is a part of me that makes me more likely to run into a storm rather than away from it. I think I would make a good tornado chaser if I didn't have a family to care and provide for. Afterall, I recognize a storm for what it is; violent and unpredictable. That is a storms nature. You would be silly to expect something different.

So, although my heart goes out to those who lost property and loved ones (including so many pets) to the recent storms in the gulf region of the United States, I am appalled at the stories I've heard coming from those who tried to evacuate the Galveston and Houston areas of Texas. I'm also disappointed in the behavior of some of the citizens right here in the Dallas Metroplex.

Thursday night, as people were trying to get out of the southeast Texas regions and head north to avoid REAL danger, some of the people in Plano and other Dallas suburbs were acting as if they had lost their minds! Gas stations were drained of fuel. Store shelves were stripped of merchandise like bottled water, flashlights and other "necessities". I suppose I could accept this if it weren't for the way I saw and heard people treating each other. I personally saw people deliberately cut off other motorists to prevent them from getting to the gas pumps first. I saw people hordeing groceries as if they were stocking up for a three-year stint in a bomb shelter. I saw a lot of pushing, shoving and jockying for "first dibs" on things!

I also kept checking with friends who had either evacuated Houston or were in the process of trying to get out. They told me horror stories of gridlock on I-45 heading north. If someone's car ran out of gas, or stalled for whatever reason, the other motorists honked, screamed, yelled and then eventually got out of their vehicles, not to help the stranded motorists, but to move their vehicles off of the freeway! I'm sure there are other stories of people who did good deeds - and I would have liked to hear or read about them - but none of those stories have made it my way.

I like to think that difficult times help to galvanize civilized people, but that was not the case with Hurricane Rita. Fear got the better of many folks. So, while it is not my place to judge anyone or to disparage them or their motives, I must say I was saddened and disappointed with what I saw and heard about. Perhaps many of us learned a little bit more about oursleves in the process - and if there is a "next time", we can better steel ourselves to act out of love and compassion rather than fear and self-preservation.

In the end, at least in the Dallas metroplex - Rita will be remembered as the "storm that never was". We got a bit of wind and even less than a bit of precipitation. Nothing to justify the panic behavior of our "good" citizens. Perhaps in the future, when we are faced again with uncertainty and trepidaton - we can hold each other's hand, help out those in need, and make sure that everyone is cared for in the same way we want to care for ourselves and our loved ones. We are all neighbors, and in a way, all family.

Love and peace to you all!

WOOF ya later!
- bbw

Friday, September 16, 2005

09/16/2005 - PROUD BEGINNINGS...

Gosh! It's been a week since I wrote anything here. I knew I was busy - but I guess I was busier than I thought! If anyone is even reading this, my apologies for the delay. :)

This weekend is "Pride" weekend in the Dallas gay community. There will be people in from out of town and a parade on Sunday. Supposedly it is a big deal. I've never attended any of the events before so it will all be new to me. Hopefully the weather will be nice for the parade. I think my allergies and sinus issues have decided to turn into a head-cold, so I have that to deal with too.

This has also been a week full of different, yet meaningful and deep conversations. Some with my wife, some with my kids and still some others with friends and acquaintances. Sometimes deeply felt, emotional conversations can take a huge toll on my emotional resources. I guess that is why I'm feeling somewhat depleted today. Of course - it could also be the head-cold! Perhaps I should take off early and get some bed-rest today. I'll have to consider that. I do have quite a bit of work to get done so I don't think that will happen.

I also spoke this week with some more people who had been displaced by hurricane Katrina, and were now living off the kindness of friends in Houston. I asked them if they knew some of my friends from New Orleans and one of the guys did - but had not been in touch with them since before the storm. He said a lot of people still had no phone or computer access. In fact - many computers got ruined in the flood waters. So I'm still looking for confirmation that the people I know from that area are alright.

I will continue to think of, and pray for them, and all other affected by the storm and ensuing destruction.

Please remember to keep each other close, safe and warm. Everyone needs someone to love them.

WOOF ya later!
- bbw

Friday, September 09, 2005

09/09/2005 - WORDS IN ACTION...

Friday! Woo Hoo!!! It's been a relatively quiet day although it has also been productive. It's almost 2pm now and I haven't taken a break or a lunch. I've been finalizing process diagrams, answering meeting requests, sending out template requests, filing reimbursement claims, and retyping my cell phone address book because I have to switch to a new phone and guess what? That's correct! No SIM card! I still have so much to do so I will make this brief today.

Have you ever heard the phrase "Actions Speak Louder Than Words"? I'm sure you have - and you may have taken that for granted as well. I think for the most part I have taken it for granted - like a basic truth or something. But recently I've begun to wonder if it is ALWAYS the case. If the actions are there - but no words to accompany them - is that enough? I would suggest that the answer could be "sometimes" or "it depends".

But - on what does it depend?

Well for me, I guess it could depend on my emotional state of being. Let's take for example the word "I love you". Have you ever been with someone who you KNOW loves you because they are always so loving toward you - but they never SAY it? Has that been a problem for you? I was in college the first time I heard one of my parents say "I love you". I was floored. Those words had such power because I had never heard them before from my parents. I do know that I find it very important to tell my kids, my wife and my friends that I love them - even if I feel they should know it already from my actions. For me, those words need to be heard, and need to be said - regardless of how loving the actions are.

In contrast - if someone uses the words all the time - but their actions indicate something else, then the power of those words can be diluted or even altered so that the hearer no longer equates them with something "good" or positive.

Recently I experienced a situation with a loved one who was having a hard time dealing with some emotional issues. I reached out to this person with words of love, and encouragement, but I didn't have a lot of time to be with them and "do" things for them. This person ended up feeling neglected because they wanted to be "shown" love and support. One week later - the same person was again dealing with some emotional burdens - and in this case I had the time to be present, and in a physical sense - by hugging and holding, show them that I love and support them. I just listened and really couldn't think of anything "insightful" to share - so I just silently held, hugged and provided a shoulder to cry on. After some time went by my friend made it clear that they really wanted to hear words of encouragement - and that the "showing" of love just wasn't enough. I was a bit blown away and even a bit miffed - feeling like I was doing what I could - and what I thought was the right thing - and yet it seemed I couldn't get it "right"! Had I provided both words and actions - perhaps that would have turned out better. In any case - it gave me something to think about.

When dealing with people we love - we really need to try and assess their emotional "temperature" and in time, learn to read that and respond in ways that are beneficial to that person - while still staying true to our own nature. This reminds me of a book I read some years ago called The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman. This book helps us learn to meet our friend/partner/lover on their terms when it comes to loving. In other words - we learn to love them the way they need to be loved - not the way we THINK they want to be loved. It is very insightful and eye-opening!

Well - enough for now. I hope that we can all learn to reach out to each other in love - sharing our world, our lives and our passions with each other in a positive and uplifting way!

WOOF ya later!
- bbw

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

09/05/2005 - CH CH CH CHANGES...

In just over a week - the face of the North American Gulf Coast region has changed - forever. Not that change is necessarily bad - but in this case - it was devastating to so many. And 8 days later - the devastation continues. So many people are homeless. So many areas are destroyed, both physically and economically. There is lawlessness in the land and very little that most of us can do about it.

And the changes continue to roll in...

Read the paper and watch the news. See and hear the personal stories of heartache, courage, despair and heroism that issue forth from those in the midst of the turmoil in New Orleans, Biloxi, Gulfport and their surrounding areas. Pan across the United States - particularly the neighboring states - as storm refugees are helped, and sometimes forced, to relocate to "unknown lands". I met some of these people in person this weekend. People who have nothing to return home for, because there is no home. People who have lost everything except the clothes on their backs. They now have to rely on the charity of others. I sometimes wonder if we have that much charity to give. In my heart I want to believe we do - but just like the rumblings of the West Germans when "The Wall" came down in Berlin... I'm hearing murmers of discontent at having to accomodate the refugees.

Change has come to Dallas, Texas, and to Houston, Baton Rouge and many other cities, as a result of Hurricane Katrina. And as a general rule - people don't like change.

I've wondered over the weekend about how Dallas Mayor, Laura Miller must be feeling right now. In the past she has proposed changes to the law that include making it a criminal offense to remove a shopping cart from the private property of the grocery store or other retail operation. She has presented for consideration, the idea of making charity a crime - if that charity takes the form of giving money to the homeless. You see - Ms. Miller wants to clean up Dallas streets - and get rid of street people. And now look what we've gone and done - we've opened up our arms, our hearts, our wallets, our hotels and yes- our cities - to busload after busload of homeless people. How many will remain homeless - I don't know. I will pray that each and every one of these souls find a place to call home. In the meantime - I pray that we all learn to deal with the changes in a positive and uplifting manner.

There are also other changes in the wind...

More on those once the wind settles down...

Until then...

WOOF ya later!
- bbw

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

08/30/2005 - BUSY BEE...

Tuesdays right now are very busy days for me. I attend all day work-sessions that usually last until 6:00pm or later. I thought about blowing off the blog today but it is only 5:00pm and I thought I'd take just a moment to check in.

Well - as was feared, Hurricane Katrina caused a lot of damage and took several lives - I haven't even seen a stable estimate yet of the number of deaths related to the storm. But whether the number is 1 or 100 - we should take a moment to think about and pray for the friends and loved ones who now have to figure out how to adjust to a life without them. Pray also for peace and comfort for all that have lost property and the necessities like electricity and clean water that we enjoy and so often take for granted.


I heard from my friend James today. It was excellent timing because I was beginning to wonder and almost worry about him. He was nowhere near the gulf coast (to my knowledge) but since returning from China I had only heard from him twice. This is unusual for James. I thought on my drive in from work this morning that I might have to call his mother to see if she had heard from him! But when he called, I found out today that he is still in San Francisco getting over a bronchial infection of sorts. His plans are to return to Alaska in the next day or two and then off to explore colleges! I'm so proud of him!

I have a planned "family night" tonight with my wife and kids so I'm gonna make this real short and head home. I got my inbox cleared for the day and feel pretty caught up on things at the office.

I hope everyone's week is off to a good start and then just keeps getting better!

WOOF ya later!
- bbw

Monday, August 29, 2005

08/29/2005 - COUNTING BLESSINGS...

Good morning bloggers... It is Monday and almost the end of August. Hurricane Katrina just hit New Orleans and is Headed to Mobile and points East. Even though it has been downgraded from a Category 5 down to around a 3 - it has already wreaked havoc on the lives of many states, cities, towns and individual lives.

Yesterday I spoke with friends who had plans to go to NOLA next week. They were anxiously watching the news and weather reports as things were shaping up to be pretty disastrous to the gulf regions in the path of the storm. Of course the media tends to make things as dramatic as possible - but you still have to wonder how close to reality they are at times. Times like these. I felt bad for my friends who seemed almost certain to have a change in plans - and the trip was a birthday present too. Yesterday, I felt bad. Today - I feel a bit different.

Today I feel lucky to not live in New Orleans or the countless other places not mentioned in the news, but which are nonetheless destined for change due to the terrible impact of Katrina. Today I feel glad that my friends are here in Dallas rather than already in Louisiana having to worry about their own safety. Today I feel my heart sink as I think about those poor people huddled in the Superdome, with rain leaking and pouring into the dimly lit, un-airconditioned space. Just the thought is sickening. How much worse is it to actually be there - crowded in among the cities poor, feeble and homeless. I'm sure there are no words to describe what it is like to bear the heat, the smell and the sounds of scared, weary but restless crowd. Today I feel lucky and thankful that I am safe and that my loved-ones and friends are safe too.

I have some friends in New Orleans too. Friends with whom I have not been able to get in touch yet. Today I think of them. I wonder if they are ok. I pray that they are and feel in my heart that they will make it through intact. Still I wonder, and I pray.

For me - today is set aside for praying and being thankful.

Please join me - and pray...

- bbw

Friday, August 26, 2005

08/26/2005 - HOT TEXAS DAYS...

Yes, It's been rather hot here in Texas lately. But I'm not complaining (not much anyway) because I can usually be found in the A/C. Amazing thing, air conditioning... I have often said that I could not live without it - and yet I know that for eons, people did live without it. I suppose I really mean I don't want to live without it - EVER! And not just the cool air - but also the warm air in winter. To those of you who have only heard of Texas but never been here - it DOES get cold. Not that we have spectacular winters or anything like that. We usually have the occasional ice storm, freezing rain and ever-so-rarely, something that resembles snow but is coarser and never lasts long. We also get a lot of wind. Combine freezing temperatures with wind and some sleet thrown in for fun and you can see why we might want to have a heated home, office, and car! But for today - I'm thankful for electrically cooled air! It really is best for me. Ask my wife! Often she has told others "you do NOT want him to get hot!" and she means it. There is something about an elevated body temperature that makes me a bit surly. Even just hot air hitting my face is enough to make me scowl and bitch a little (under my breath). I am not proud of the fact - but I do acknoweldge it.

Today, I'm cool. Not that I'm walking around like the Fonz in my leather jacket or anything - but my body temperature is comfortable and I'm in a good mood to boot! I guess my team-mates here in the office should consider themselves lucky huh? C'mon! I'm not THAT bad!

I am looking forward to this weekend. Not because of any specific plans but because it has been a rather hectic and draining week. Work has really picked up for me and shows no sign of slowing down. This is all good as I have not really been "challenged" at work for some time now. I'm moving into a new position with new responsibilities, new team members and new management. Good thing I'm not devastated by change - it could be overwhelming!

I've also been emotionally taxed this week as I consider what is going on in my personal life and how everyone is affected by decisions I and they make. It's a bit scary when you start really examining things you've done and decisions you have made. For examply, decisions I've made, thinking they are what is "best" for everyone - may truly not be what is best. They may just be what is easiest. Working through those kinds of issues is important, but should be handled slowly, deliberately and with great caution. I try to lean away from making assumptions and get down to basic facts. However, in terms of emotional issues - facts can be completely useless. So there - that is just a "taste" of where my mind and heart has been this week. I don't have any great secrets or revelations to announce - so for now- it is business as usual. I continue my journey one step at a time - and I still consider myself lucky that I don't have to travel alone.

Spiritually, I've also been mulling over my future direction. I love my church and the direction it is taking - but lately I've felt less and less inclined to go. I've been examining these feelings and I think that maybe I should consider "moving on" and taking what I know to be true for me spiritually - with me to another place. The people at my current church are wonderful and very loving and supportive. Several (if not all) now know about my relationship situation and have either offered their continued love and support or have said nothing at all. Still, I have felt a pull to examine other places of worship. I will need to continue examining my feelings, and along with my family and loved ones - decide what is best for the future.

So - you can see I have a LOT going on. But life is good - even when it doesn't feel peachy - it is fertile and offers MUCH room for growth! Praise God!

Please remember to listen to each other... try to understand each other... reach out to each other... forgive each other and above all - love each other!

WOOF ya later!
- bbw

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

08/24/2005 - CATCHUP...

Wednesday is sometimes referred to as "Hump" day. For some this means that they've made it to the middle of the week - and everything that comes after is downhill - and coasting into the weekend! For others - "hump" day is taken as a verb... and can actually fall on any day of the week! I'll let you decide which point-of-view best fits you. :)

It is Wednesday and I realized that I haven't made a journal entry since last Thursday - almost a week. I would like to develop better discipline than that - and try to get here every day, but things are WAY too busy for that right now.

The weekend was good - and started early for me. I took Friday as a vacation day and went with friends to a local water park. The weather was great and there were no lines because all the kids were back in school!!! WOO HOO! My friends have made this an annual event but this was the first year I joined them. I think it is a great idea and will try to fit it onto my calendar next year as well.

I've been a bit overwhelmed by things lately, with my son starting back to school last week and my daughter starting college next week. I'm also still juggling family time, bf time and me time and finding there sometimes just isn't that much time! Work has really picked up so I'm working some longer hours and kicking off some new projects. This is a good thing but also completes for time!

I guess, having said that - I recognize that I've sort of un-plugged myself from some of my normal daily activities in the past week. I haven't been online much at all. I've made it to the gym but not as much as I wanted. I haven't been out to a club lately and really haven't missed it. I think I just need some time to breathe, to regenerate and to realign things in my life. I'm taking care of "chores" and trying to prioritize the things I "want" to do. Again - I notice that all of this has to fit into that thing called "time".

So now I will keep this blog short and just wish all of you a wonderful "Hump" day! I hope the remainder of your week goes well and that you make it a priority this week to catch up, center yourself, regenerate or reinvigorate your spirit and make the most of your time.

WOOF ya later!
- bbw

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

08/16/2005 - JUDGE YE NOT LEST...

Anyone hear about the nomination of Judge John G. Roberts Jr. to the Supreme Court? Anyone know much about this man? I will have to admit that I do not. I've not been following the stories about the nominees proposed to fill the Supreme Court spot vacated with the retirment of Judge Sandra Day O'Connor.

My commentary today will do nothing to enlighten you on the nature or character of Mr. Roberts - nor will it do anything to explain the process one must go through to get confirmed to sit on the Supreme Court. What really brought this whole subject up was a brief glance through the Dallas Voice over lunch yesterday.

A survey question was posed to several people and their answers provided. I do not want to assume that the interviewees are themselves gay - but because the article appears in a gay-oriented newspaper, I will assert that they become representatives of the gay community - regardless of their orientation. Why is this important? Because of the question posed and the answers some of them gave.

The question went something like this: Since Judge John Roberts has a history of helping out the gay community (cited some past case) do you trust or feel good about his nomination to the Supreme Court? This seems like an intelligent question. And some of the respondees gave what I consider intelligent responses - but there were some answers that just didn't sit well with me.

At least two of the responses posted in the paper had nothing to do with the character, legal record, or even personal feelings about Judge Roberts - instead, they centered on feelings about the man who nominated him - namely President Bush. In essence - they said they did not trust John Roberts Jr. because he was nominated by President Bush. As I read this, it was very apparent that these people, and others like them were ready to judge a book by the cover of a completely different book. And I thought to myself... why?

I have to admit that perhaps I'm a bit more bothered about this than I should be - only because I've experienced the same kind of judgment and discrimination at the hands of the "gay community". Not from everyone mind you - but enough to present a pattern. I've been chastised for not voting the Democratic Party Line and even been called "Republican" out in public, even though I've never in my life been a member of the Republican party. So I ask - is there room in the gay community for independent thinkers? How about independent political views or independent spiritual direction and religious inclinations? Is there a group of gay people that NEED everyone to pick a side? Do things have to be black or white in order for them to comprehend where everyone stands? If the answer is yes - do they not see the hypocrisy of that?

I've heard it said that the gay community (again - I don't really like to lump everyone together but I'm just illustrating what I've heard...) is the most judgmental and discriminating of others and of themselves - yet they constantly complain about others judging them. Having said that - and assuming there is some grain of truth in it - again it begs the question - "Why?" followed by "What do we want to do about it?" or "How can we change that?"

If you know anything about me - you will know that I don't care much for labeling myself or labeling others. That is very difficult to do (even for me at times) in our society that relies on such labels to figure out HOW to think about others. The labels help us to indentify how we are united or separated from others. Is that why some gays have become so label-conscious and so resistant to any label that implies ambiguity (bisexual for instance). It's as if there is some deep-seated need to pick a position and to have everyone else pick a position, a VERY clear position, and stay there. There also seems to be a lot of finger pointing at all those who have not picked a Black or White label - and that is followed with accusations of "hiding" and "denial" or out-and-out deceit!

Do I have the answers? No. But perhaps the first step to finding an answer is to understand the questions. And those may be different questions for each of us. We should look at who we are as individuals and as a community of mankind and ask ourselves how we judge others. We need to recognize what we have inside of us that makes us "require" a label for everything and everyone else in our world. Once we see our own limitations and the limitations we set on our own hearts, minds, and our very lives - then we can begin to examine them, expose them and grow beyond them. I think that only then will we find true freedom to be ourselves and to celebrate the true nature of others. I'll have to think about it - and I invite you to do the same. Try to find the walls you have created in yourself that keep you separated from those who may hold different lifestyles, different points of view, different political and/or religious values - and try find in them the true nature of humanity that is shared by us all. Then learn to open up to that humanity with a loving response rather than a judgment. It's a challege - and you are invited to try...

WOOF ya later!
- bbw

Friday, August 12, 2005

08/12/2005 - WHAT COULD BE WRONG?

Actually... the answer is "nothing"! It's Friday and that's a good thing. Not only because it marks the end of the work week - but because it also launches a good portion of us into that sometimes hectic, sometimes harried, always welcomed phase of life known as "the weekend"! Please don't get me wrong - I think each day is special and that good things can and do come along at any time - but there is something just a little "special" about knowing that you can walk away from the office this afternoon and put all the bizness stuff behind you for two days! [side note: for those of you who have to work on Saturday and/or Sunday - ignore this blog - I'm NOT trying to rub it in!]

I don't think I'm going to write a whole lot in here today - mostly because I don't want to spend my entire lunch hour here - but also because I'm trying to ease into weekend mode a little early! Where, when it comes to work - less is more!

I'm going to be doing some networking tonight to try and drum up some business for my photography and also for my bf's interior design business. My wife has a happy-hour planned with some friends from her office. She's excited but a little hesitant too. We usually do social things together. I'm sure she will be just fine and have a really good time.

Last weekend I went to a pool party and it was great. I would like to find another one this weekend - mainly because I've had so little time to swim this year and I love the water. I'm not going to put a lot of effort into it tho - there are so MANY things I could be doing.

Well - I'm off to grab a bite to eat and start working my way out of these shoes and into some flip-flops!

WOOF ya later!
- bbw

Thursday, August 11, 2005

08/11/2005 - WYSIWYG...

Remember this buzzword: WYSIWYG? (pronounced wizzeewig) which stood for What You See Is What You Get...

For some reason today that kinda sums up me feelings. I'm not sure if it is because of the overcast weather, or the humid, muggy feeling in the air outside, or simply the fact that this has been a blah week at work, but I'm worn out.

Yesterday, my 21st anniversary, was actually a good day. Perhaps I'm coming down from that and by comparison this day is just phooey... actually - as I typed that last line, it struck me! I know exactly why I'm a bit bummed... it is my work anniversary today! I've been here for 7 LONG years.

Now isn't that sad? I should be happy to have a job. I should be pleased that I was not laid-off during the countless staff reductions I've survived over the past 7 years. I should be happy that my wage is on-par with others in my field of work. I should be glad that I enjoy working with my team-members. There is so much I should be happy about and grateful for... but for some reason - all of that is buried beneath a cloud of blah today. Instead of counting my blessings today - I've been contemplating the reason I come to this job at all. Yes, I need to get paid. And yes, I need to be productive. But sitting in an all-day workshop on Tuesday - I looked around the room of "professionals" and wondered to myself - why are we all here? What are we trying to accomplish and what difference will it make in the world? What difference will it make in people's lives? Sure, we are trying to improve the nature of the way we run our corporation - and thus make the company more profitable - but who will that really impact? The shareholders. The executives. Some of the project managers. And after reviewing that list I wonder to myself how really important all that is. I don't have a good, solid answer - but the answer deep down inside feels like "not very".

I know this is part of my inner reflection to find my true self and my true calling. I don't feel that I'm called to work in this corporation for the next 7 years. I don't feel called to work for any corporation for the rest of my working career. I do feel called to be creative - to be helpful to others - to follow my passion and to inspire passion in others. So how do I get there? Well - my photography business is one way - but will it really take off? Will it really inspire me and others? I don't know, and today, I don't have the energy to search too deeply for an answer.

So, for today - WYSIWYG!

WOOF ya later!
- bbw

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

08/10/2005 - MILESTONES...

You have probably figured out by now that I did not ever get to the "Late Edition" on Monday - but that's ok - I just didn't have the energy for another loooong topic... So I just blew it off!

Today is a special day for me. It is my 21st wedding anniversary - and that in itself is quite an accomplishment - but under the circumstances that exist in my life - it seems even more extraordinary. It certainly causes me to pause, and to reflect on where I am today in my marital relationship as well as other relationships.

I have so many truly special people in my life, and though each one is different, they are all just as deeply special. My children are special for many obvious reasons, and for other reasons that may not be quite so apparent. They are both loving, caring and accepting people. My daughter is more of an adult now than a child - yet I still see and experience the child in her. It is that child that more quickly brings laughter to her face and mine. I worry a bit that she may grow up to be too serious of an adult. I hope that she finds a way to balance maturity, responsibilty and child-like fun and enthusiasm into her life and lifestyle. My son is growing into a man - but always with trepidation. It's not that he doesn't want to grow up - because he does. He just doesn't want to rush it. His sense of "time" in the world is uncanny. At his age I lived like time was endless, invisible and abundant. My son senses the impermanence of things, and of life - and for that reason I think he has a much richer experience of what it means to be alive. I have much to learn from him.

I have friends in my life too. Some are distant and I haven't seen them in some time. Some I have never met in person - only through the internet - yet a friendship has formed that allows us to talk about things so deeply personal and allows us to reach out to each other in need. Friends like that are not many in number - but having even 3 or 4 is a lot! I have some friends who live locally. Some of them have known me before I went through the changes associated with my self-discovery. One married couple whom I consider real, true friends, seem to struggle with knowing how to deal with me now. I've seen them a number of times since coming out - and for the most part - things seem the same. But there is an underlying current of awkwardness that I'm not sure I can do anything about. It's as if they are waiting for me to make the first move, or every move when it comes to spending time together. And I guess I'm waiting for them to approach me - so that I can be sure I don't cause them to feel awkward. I'm sure in time all will work itself out.

I have a boyfriend who I am continuously getting to know better. And, he is getting to know more about me. I'm guessing that sometimes we may not like what we learn - but we appreciate learning even that. He is a man, just like all men, with a past. His past and his present contain all the ingredients of life - including pain and personal challenges. In dealing with him through issues related to such pain and challenge - I'm able to get closer and love him more deeply - more completely. And in doing that I have learned more about myself and about my other relationships. At my age - I'm learning more and more about my own limitations and my own challenges in relationships. I know now that it is a challenge to be my friend, and even more of a challenge to be my lover. For years I did not "get" this. I wasn't in a place where I could really "hear" it. I had so much of myself "locked away" from me. I just didn't have access. And while I could be really sad about that, and pine and complain about the time I have wasted for myself and for those who love me - I won't. I accept that I still have a lot of learning to do - a lot of self yet to be discovered, and I forgive myself for not being better sooner. But knowing these things about myself helps me to appreciate those around me even more. Particularly those closest to me. I know now that those who choose to walk with me for more than a day - are people who have consciously chosen not to take the easy road. I'm blessed by their choices. I need to remember to always let them know I am thankful.

Then there is my wife... there isn't enough time or space or even enough words to write everything my heart and soul feel for her. Today we celebrate 21 years of marriage and nearly 24 years of being together. Wow - almost a quarter century - yet that does not make me feel old. Instead, I feel lucky. I have no regrets about our marriage, our life together and our creation and raising of a family. Should I have done some things differently? Sure, and I would if I could. I would have been kinder with my words when I got edgy. I would have been much more of a listener and less of an authority. I would have been less arrogant and less pushy with my opinions and more open minded to the qualities of meekness and humbleness. I would have been more confident in myself and therefore less stressed by the pressures of life. I would have taught my children to settle conflict with love and understanding rather than with loud voices and venom. But hey... even though I can't go back and undo the things I want to correct - I have the opportunity to correct them now. And that is what I am trying to do each day now.

My wife and I are closer friends now than we have been in a long time, possibly ever. It feels good and right for it to be that way - now that we need each other more than ever. I'm learning to let myself "need" others now and that helps her too.

So today is a good day - a good anniversary and a good milestone in my life. I feel blessed by my current relationships and I know that I am a truly lucky man. When days are dark and my past pains creep in on me - I have people to whom I can turn. I pray to God for the strength to make that turn and to let them in.

To all of you - my gratitude and my love!

Woof ya later!
- bbw

Monday, August 08, 2005

08/08/2005 - [Early Edition] SISSIES INDEED!

It's Monday, and it is still morning. I've been hard at work getting caught up on business mail, creating new systems diagrams and scheduling meetings to review those diagrams with others. Yet I still have a lot on my mind. On the morning drive - I had two specific and distinct thoughts that I wanted to explore. I'm not sure I will have time to do them both justice today - but just in case I do - I'll mark my first entry as the "early" edition.

Here we go... thought number one...

Well, it's not actually a thought, but a review of a play I went to see yesterday. The title of the play is Southern Baptist Sissies, written by Del Shores and directed by Bruce Coleman. The play is running through August 21, so if you are interested in seeing it - check out more information at http://www.uptownplayers.org/.

I had not had any exposure to reviews or information about the play except that I was told it was written by the same guy who wrote "Sordid Lives". So given the comedic nature of that work and the seemingly humorous title - I thought I was going to see a comedy. I love comedies. I like to laugh - and will generally choose that over something that makes me think too much or feel too deeply. So there's a glimpse at the coward in me.

So I went. I bought tickets for myself, my wife, my boyfriend and three other friends of ours. We also met some friends who had tickets for the same date and time. The theater is part of the Trinity River Arts Center at off of Stemmons Freeway and Motor street in Dallas. I'm not sure how many people can be seated in the theater, but I'm guessing it was not more than 250 people. The theater stage is small and intimate; a perfect setting for the play I was about to see.

I don't really want to give anything away in my review, because nothing I write here could provide the reader with a sense of having experienced something profound and important. I want you to go see this play for yourself! I don't want to spoil it for you.

The play deals with so many themes that if listed, would certainly overwhelm the best of orderly minds. But that is the way of life. We don't experience life as a list of strung-together events. We experience life in layers. Layers upon layers upon layers. That is how I felt sitting there watching this play. It felt so... so REAL!

There is plenty of very good dialog and some great one-liners that I know will be repeated over and over by some of us. There were some laughs (there's my comedy!) and there were some tears. Actually, for me, there were lots of tears. Some for the personal pain of living in a judging world, but more for the pain experienced by those who are dear to me, and who actually "lived" the story unfolded on that stage. My boyfriend sat there sobbing through many parts, sometimes uncontrollably, because some of the pain was just too close to home and so deeply pressed into his soul. Way too much of the play and the dialogue could have been written by him - from personal experience. He was, and in many ways still is, Mark, the main character in the play (played by Carter Hudson). He was raised deeply rooted in one of the strictest religions I know of. He became involved in a same-sex physical relationship early in his teen years with someone who could not handle the consequential guilt and shame. He fell in love with the boy - only to be used and discarded - dismissed as a "phase", a "mistake" and an "abomination". I know life is unfair at times. It is also painful at times. But I think the deepest cuts and resulting scars come from the pain associated with the "L" word - yes... Love.

This play explores all of these themes and more! Love is looked at from many angles; self love, God's love, mothers' love, physical love, false love, love in friendship, love lost, love found and once again - this listing might be endless - and therefore meaningless to pursue an end...

I count myself as lucky. I have love in my life. True love. Those who attended the play with me could see it for themselves as I held the hand of my wife of 22 years on my left side, and held the hand of my boyfriend of 9 months on my right side. We all three felt the piercing message of the play. We felt the twisting despair caused by religious daggers of judgment and we heard the message of hope in words that told us to believe in ourselves and to believe in love - no matter what! And each of us understand the need to reach out to one another and bolster the quivering hearts and spirits until we can all soar again - in peace... in freedom... in love.

Don't take my word for anything here... go see the play for yourself. It can be transforming, and freeing.

If you want to find ways to better understand how bigotry, judgmentalism and fundamentalism are formed and ingrained into the very fabric of mankind - look to the portrayal of the preacher and the mothers, caught up in an unholy, ungrounded, rickety and contradictory theology that is more defeating than liberating.

If you want to find ways to love more deeply - look to the "sissies" where you will find they aren't sissies at all - but real men, as God created man to be. In all their diversity, and variety. Their glory is His glory. Their victory is a victory for us all.

In the words of Mark - "sometimes I close my eyes and imagine a perfect world..." Let's all try to imagine Mark's world - and then open our eyes and make it real!

Peace to you all!

Woof ya later!
- bbw

Thursday, August 04, 2005

08/04/2005 - INTENTIONAL LIVING...

Here it is, Thursday - but it's kinda like a Friday already. At least for me. I'm taking tomorrow off from work - or working from home for a bit maybe - but I also want to try and have a yard sale tomorrow and Saturday to get some of the JUNK out of my house and garage! So while I won't be relaxing - I will be productive!

I was thinking on my way driving in to work this morning (a sentence you will hear or read over and over I'm sure...) mostly because that is the best time for me to just think. It's quiet (for the most part) and there are few distractions (if you don't count idiot drivers!). But I realized this morning that I have spent a good part of the past two or three years turned inwards. I've been caught up in self-discovery, self-healing and yes... self-pity for a good number of months! While I'm not apologizing for it - because I think I've been doing a lot of what I needed to be doing - I still think that things could have been handled differently, or better, for those around me. And in realizing that - I think, hope and pray that I can make some changes that lead me to reach out more to those around me whom I love, cherish and need.

I've always been one to reach out - but more in a "robotic" or "automatic" kind of way. I was programmed to be like that since I was a baby. I was raised a "pleaser" - some of you will know EXACTLY what I'm talking about! Somehow I was programmed to believe that my existence was predominantly geared to be of use, service, amusement and pleasure for others. EVEN THOUGH I would never be "good enough" - I was still expected to do my best to fill those roles. And boy did I buy into it! This is not a totally bad thing, mind you. I enjoy helping others, and doing for others. My mistake was doing that at my own expense, and thus, at the expense of others too. It led me to living an unfulfilled life of constantly giving and living merely off of the praise and thank you's that I received in return. I felt that if I volunteered here, or helped there - then I was fulfilling my purpose in life. Truth is - it was really more about fulfilling someone else's needs - and ignoring my purpose altogether.

So what is my purpose? I had never thought much about that. I thought it was to be a husband, and a father. I honestly thought that if I succeeded at that - my purpose would be fulfilled - but my spirit cried out for more. I will never diminish what it means to me to be a husband or a father. I don't think I will ever accomplish anything in my life that brings me more joy and pride than those two things. But I am of the mindset now that I cannot just define myself by my relationships to other people. I need to know who I am as an individual. Not as a husband. Not as a father. Not even as a lover or a friend or an employee... Who am I as a man? AND - what is it that I want to accomplish in this life as that man? Well - I don't have a lot of answers - but one thing I do know is that I want to live with intention.

I don't want to spend another second just letting time pass me by. I don't want to "get through" the day, or live "for the weekend". I want each day to count for something. I want each second and minute of each day to have a purpose and a direction. Even if that time span is set aside to do nothing more than sitting quietly, and listening or reflecting - to recharge my body, my mind or my soul - I need those things too.

I used to dread when someone asked me "where do you see yourself five years from now?" because my honest response was "I don't know". I had no concept of what life or I would be like then. I had no capacity or reference to be able to look into the future and see what I wanted it to be like. I brushed off such questions as "ridiculous" simply because I could not fathom myself ever really having a plan. I think that had a lot to do with being cut off from a significant amount of my past. All I REALLY had was now. That's what I needed to concentrate on - surviving the now!

Well - I'm hoping those days are behind me. Yes, I know I will "backslide" now and then and fall into some lazy habits. But I'm also listening more to the encouragement of others and to the callings within my own spirit. I am starting to build an image in my mind of my future. Will it look exactly like that when I arrive? I doubt it! But I will be in the vicinity - and if I change my mind and my direction along the way - I'm allowing that to be ok too, because it is done with intention - and with a plan in mind. No longer do I want to be a dandelion umbrella seed blowing in the breeze, taking whatever I get and making "lemonade". I want to create things - photographs, paintings, memories and most importantly - I want to create a life that has meaning, is fulfilling to me and brings joy to others.

My first step is to spend less time "inside" of me and more time reaching out with love, compassion and yes, even my own "needs" and allowing those around me to love me and to participate in this life with me. That is a great challenge for me - but hey, I'm up for a challenge!

WOOF ya later!
- bbw

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

08/03/2005 - MIDWEEK BLUES?

I've heard of "blue monday" but what about Tuesday or Wednesday? Is that allowed? Well it doesn't matter - I'm not going to let a bit of "down" feelings spoil my day or my life!

I have had some trouble communicating with folks lately. Not sure what's going on with that - after all - I think I did a pretty decent job with the kids on Sunday. Perhaps it's just the fact that I'm still feeling crappy due to allergies. Maybe it is that I don't have a lot of job satisfaction. Or, maybe I'm just feeling some pressure from outside sources, or people... pressure to try and "make" them feel better and me feeling down because I just can't.

In any event - it is now Wednesday AND the workday is almost over. (YES I'm typing this while at work! Now go take your cigarette break!). This has been a busy/hectic week already. Lot's going on at the office. Much more than usual, but I'm going to take that as a "good thing" for now.

Emotionally I'm feeling somewhat distant, disconnected and cold. I'm not particularly angry, hurt or bothered, just somewhat "shut down" on the inside. I'm not excited about anything. Could care less if I go anywhere, see anyone or do anything. I get like that sometimes - and I guess it is OK because I don't give in to the feelings. I have a meeting this evening for married men who are bi/gay/curious. It is a good group and they all have a lot to offer. I would suggest it for anyone who is going through such issues - or for anyone who has already been through it because your experience can really help others!

Well, I think that is all I need to write for today. I know it's not much, and not very deep, profound or thought provoking - but hey... what more do you want on a Wednesday? Perhaps you could contact me and we could go to Monica's tonight for 50-Cent margaritas!!! (or are they 75 cents now?) ANYWAY....

WOOF ya later!
- bbw

Sunday, July 31, 2005

07/31/2005 - COMING OUT DAY (part 2)

Well - it's now 12:25pm and my kids are aware that I'm bi/gay - and they love me anyway. It was kind of awkward to get to the actual "telling" - and once I said it I wasn't sure if they completely understood because I didn't get much of a reaction. So I had to ask them what they were thinking and feeling. I asked my son what he thought about having a bi or gay dad. He said that he didn't think of it like that. He said that I am simply his dad and that he loves me no matter what. He said he didn't think being gay was really an issue when it comes to our relationship.

My daughter responded much the same way, as if it didn't really matter, but I could tell in her eyes that she was feeling pain. She was having a hard time processing all of the ramifications of the news. My wife and I reassured her that whatever she was feeling was ok and if she needed time and/or space or whatever - we would support that.

I asked if they had any questions and they said for now they didn't, but when they did they would ask. They both appreciated that my wife and I were being honest and they assured us that they loved and supported us too.

I asked whether or not they had suspected something like this. My son said he could tell I was changing, but he didn't associate it with being gay or anything - he just loved that I was more happy with myself and that allowed us to bond even more.

My daughter said she had also noticed that I was changing, and seemed to be struggling with issues but she just hoped that everything would work out for the best. She added that if the struggle was between being gay or not gay, she would have hoped for not gay - and I added that I would have wished that too. But it didn't turn out that way.

My wife and I stressed that we did not want to treat this or see it as bad news. I explained that I was not ashamed of myself and I did not see being more free to be myself and express myself was a "bad thing" but instead was a good thing. The kids agreed.

So now that part is done - and I'm sure many other aspects will come up over time and we will deal with them as they arise - but for now the kids are in great moods and want to go out for lunch. My daughter wants to invite her boyfriend to come with us - which I see as a good sign because when she is really bothered - she doesn't want to be around people.

God is good! Life is good, and my family - well they are just the BEST!!!!!

Woof ya later!
- bbw

07/31/2005 - COMING OUT DAY (part 1)

I didn't sleep very well last night. I went out for a bit and then started getting all muscle-achy and actually ran a pretty high fever. This morning all symptoms are gone except for a raspy throat. My sinuses have been draining for a few days due to allergies and my throat is paying the price. When I did finally wake up this morning, I dressed, brushed my teeth and then walked into the bedroom and woke up my wife. I quoted the line from Stewart Little, citing "It's Today! It's Today!" This made us both smile. I then printed off some information from the internet, including the "my journey" portion of my website and three resources with tips on coming out to children. My wife and I sat down and read through all of the information and felt pretty good about things because they were all tips that we had already thought of and discussed. It would seem we are on the right track. I told her that choosing the right words would be the trick! She agreed.

So now I'm sitting here journaling - wanting to capture my own thoughts and feelings before the news is shared with my children. Many people, mostly gay men, have suggested to me that my kids probably already have a clue. One went so far as to offer a wager (jokingly) on it. I can't say for sure - but my thoughts are that they do not know - although they have known for about the past two or three years that "something" is going on with Mom and Dad. We have talked on several occassions about our needs to get out on our own and learn what it is like to be individuals. My wife would like to live in Paris for a year or so and I want to move to Australia for about two years. So the kids know that we have loose plans to at least "separate" for these journeys. Maybe they do suspect more... I'll find out soon enough.

I'm not worried about their love for me. I know my children to be both loving and accepting people. In many ways they are much more mature, loving, trusting and accepting at their ages than I was, or still am at my age. They both make me so proud as I watch them mature into adulthood. I guess I'm more worried about how my coming out as a bi or gay man will affect their images of themselves with each other, our family, with their friends etc. That may be very hard for them to reconcile and I don't feel good about adding any amount of stress to their lives. Stress is one of the main reasons we waited this long to tell them. But I feel in my heart that everything will be fine... will work out for the better and that we will all be happier, closer and more free once we all have a shared understanding of this issue.

Well, I'm off to get a cup of coffee and share the "good news" of honesty, love and freedom with my children. I'm excited and hesitant all at the same time. But I am not afraid, or ashamed or really very worried. I love them and they love me - I don't see that changing.

Wish me luck!
Woof you later!
- bbw

Friday, July 29, 2005

07/29/2005 - I LOVE FRIDAY...

YES! It's Friday! Not that I have a whole lot planned for the weekend. Last night, after spending some wonderful family time with our kids playing "Battle of the Sexes" (guys won!), my wife and I went out to a gay bar to dance - but we never did. I kept offering (which I RARELY do) and she kept waiting for a better song (which she NEVER does!). But I had my bartender friend, Dade, make her some awesome electric margaritas! My bf joined us later and we had a good time talking and freaking out a friend who had NO CLUE that I was married! Enuff about that!

It's Friday and I think I'm going to see Charlie and the Chocolate Factory tonight! The rest of my family have seen it and said it was a great movie! Woo Hoo!

Driving in to work today I was having my usual random thought process and began to contemplate the apple with which Adam and Eve are associated. I was thinking about that fruit, and the many times I've heard "good christian people" arguing over whether or not it was REALLY an apple, or a pear, or a pomegranate or what... and I got to thinking how ridiculous the whole thing is and how much energy is wasted on such a discussion. I mean - these people have already swallowed the whole tale about a man and woman formed in a mythical garden - one from dust and the other from a rib (was it REALLY a rib, or a thigh bone, or a tibia?!), and somehow they got "caught up" on what kind of fruit it was that Eve used to sell our souls into sin and degradation! These people could just as easily exhaust their energy asking questions like "Why a rib?... Did God run out of dust?" I mean, come on! Didn't Jesus bring a new covenant? Didn't he tell us that we, for the most part, got it all wrong!? Did Jesus say that it was an apple, or a pineapple, or a peach? NO! He kept his teaching to things that were important! Like the fact that God is love. God is in each of us - so Love is in each of us. We all have the capacity to love, and therefore forgive, in the same manner as God. And when I say "all" I don't mean all "christians" and neither did Jesus. Do you realize that there were no christian's before there was Christ? So what were those people who came before Jesus, and how the hell did they find salvation? WAKE UP! We all need to open our eyes, our minds and our hearts and realize that salvation is up to us - not up to Christ and not up to God. They have both already given us all that we need - unconditional love, unconditional forgiveness and instructions on where to find both AND how to move both out of ourselves and into our world - thus creating the Kingdom of God!

Whew! I wasn't planning all that - but there it is. Please - go out and love each other today and each day going forward.

Woof you later!
- bbw

Thursday, July 28, 2005

07/28/2005 - WORLD KEEPS CHANGING...

WOW! I can't believe I've had this weblog for over a year. I started out just to learn about "blogging" and thought it might be a cool thing - but it soon seemed I was just talking to the wall. So I walked away for a while. Since then I've started a website (2 actually!) one for personal expression and the other for business (photography and art gallery!). I've considered putting an online journal of sorts out on my website and then I thought - hey! why not just link to the web log! So I think I will do that. Then I can check in here... add some thoughts, comments, concerns or rants and then anyone checking out my website can link here if they want to. That will also encourage me to be more faithful about posting information here and keeping things "fresh"! It would be cool to see comments posted or to enter into some discussion about things here - but I suppose that may come in time.

So - what's new with me? Well I'm not sure I mentioned it earlier in any of my blog entries... but I'm a man going through changes. I guess it was three years ago now that I began to discover/uncover things about my past and my childhood that my mind had chosen to keep hidden from me. I won't go into detail here in "public" but those discoveries centered around sexual abuse. It shook me up pretty hard and I ended up in therapy for about 12 months. I've been out of therapy now for about 18 months and I'm doing much better!

During therapy and the opening-up process, I also discovered that I had feelings for other men, both emotional and sexual feelings, that had not been explored. Again, this rattled me to my core. Until this whole process began, I was very anti-gay and completely homophobic. I did not make friends with many men. I didn't trust them or "bond" with them. Sure, I could drink with them, shoot the shit, play sports and such - but never get beyond a purely social encounter with them. My wife was my only "friend" and we pretty much did everything together. Looking back at my past and my childhood history - that makes much more sense to me now.

I guess where this is leading is that I have "come out" to my wife (did that about 2.5 years ago) and more recently to some friends of ours. I will also be having the "talk" with my two teenagers this weekend. So maybe next week you will see more about that.

Since November of 2004 I've been seeing a guy who I met online and chatted with for about a year. I've been very cautious in meeting new people because one of the first people I ever met in person led me to believe he wanted to be a friend and sort of mentor to me in the "coming out" process - but instead after a year of friendship - turned into a sociopathic stalker! So I have to be protective of my family, my friends and my self. But this guy I've been seeing since November is very different. He's helping me learn to love myself - all aspects of myself. And he's helping me learn to trust again - and in trusting - I'm learning to be truly and completely honest with myself and with everyone around me. That is such a freeing feeling. So! There you have it. I have a wife whom I love; kids whom I love and a man whom I love. And the best part is... they ALL love me! I'm a lucky man!!!

More to come.... (soon? time will tell!)
Woof you later!
- bbw

Monday, March 28, 2005

03/28/2005 - MONDAY MADNESS...

Actually - it IS Monday - but there isn't that much madness... The morning has been very quiet at work as I prepare for meetings. Home was a different story. My daughter and wife both stayed home not feeling well. I think my daughter's Crohn's is acting up again - and my wife seems to be "down" about current job and life struggles in general. I told her I would try to get away from work early and spend some time with her before my church meeting tonight.

I went through the NYC pictures today. It is fun to revisit them and remember what was going on at the time. Remembering the temperatures, feelings, smells etc. I definitely want to go back to Manhattan again.

Another earthquake reported off the Sumatran coast today - there are many who are fearing a repeat of the December 2005 tsunami. I pray their fears are unfounded. It may take hours before we know.

Pray for them... pray for us... pray for the world! Lord knows we need it!

Woof you later!
- bbw

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

03/22/2005 - HOPPING INTO SPRING...

Yes - Easter is just around the corner! Woo Hoo! I really don't have any plans yet but I'm sure I will have to come up with something. The weather here in the Dallas area is getting really really sweet! This is my second day in short-sleeves and I'm loving it. Soon things will get HOT and we will have that to complain about!

I just spent 5 days in NYC with my daughter and her choir as I chaperoned these high school kids on the trip of a lifetime! It was COLD there but we really had wonderful weather. We had snow one night that made everything in Central Park white and sparkly. I got some great pictures. We also spent plenty of time in Times Square and even took an impromptu limo ride around downtown Manhattan. That was a real fun ride especially for the kids who had never been inside a limo.

Getting back home and trying to get back into the work grind has been a bit difficult. Also, my personal life has been hectic as usual with me trying to do so much and stay involved in everything! But hey - I'm not stressed.... nooooooooooooooo! :D

Well, as I realized that this will be a short week at work - since Good Friday is a company holiday - my mood just got ratcheted up from "really good" to "whoopie"!!!

Signing off now... Woof you later!
- bbw