Friday, July 29, 2005

07/29/2005 - I LOVE FRIDAY...

YES! It's Friday! Not that I have a whole lot planned for the weekend. Last night, after spending some wonderful family time with our kids playing "Battle of the Sexes" (guys won!), my wife and I went out to a gay bar to dance - but we never did. I kept offering (which I RARELY do) and she kept waiting for a better song (which she NEVER does!). But I had my bartender friend, Dade, make her some awesome electric margaritas! My bf joined us later and we had a good time talking and freaking out a friend who had NO CLUE that I was married! Enuff about that!

It's Friday and I think I'm going to see Charlie and the Chocolate Factory tonight! The rest of my family have seen it and said it was a great movie! Woo Hoo!

Driving in to work today I was having my usual random thought process and began to contemplate the apple with which Adam and Eve are associated. I was thinking about that fruit, and the many times I've heard "good christian people" arguing over whether or not it was REALLY an apple, or a pear, or a pomegranate or what... and I got to thinking how ridiculous the whole thing is and how much energy is wasted on such a discussion. I mean - these people have already swallowed the whole tale about a man and woman formed in a mythical garden - one from dust and the other from a rib (was it REALLY a rib, or a thigh bone, or a tibia?!), and somehow they got "caught up" on what kind of fruit it was that Eve used to sell our souls into sin and degradation! These people could just as easily exhaust their energy asking questions like "Why a rib?... Did God run out of dust?" I mean, come on! Didn't Jesus bring a new covenant? Didn't he tell us that we, for the most part, got it all wrong!? Did Jesus say that it was an apple, or a pineapple, or a peach? NO! He kept his teaching to things that were important! Like the fact that God is love. God is in each of us - so Love is in each of us. We all have the capacity to love, and therefore forgive, in the same manner as God. And when I say "all" I don't mean all "christians" and neither did Jesus. Do you realize that there were no christian's before there was Christ? So what were those people who came before Jesus, and how the hell did they find salvation? WAKE UP! We all need to open our eyes, our minds and our hearts and realize that salvation is up to us - not up to Christ and not up to God. They have both already given us all that we need - unconditional love, unconditional forgiveness and instructions on where to find both AND how to move both out of ourselves and into our world - thus creating the Kingdom of God!

Whew! I wasn't planning all that - but there it is. Please - go out and love each other today and each day going forward.

Woof you later!
- bbw

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