Friday, August 12, 2005

08/12/2005 - WHAT COULD BE WRONG?

Actually... the answer is "nothing"! It's Friday and that's a good thing. Not only because it marks the end of the work week - but because it also launches a good portion of us into that sometimes hectic, sometimes harried, always welcomed phase of life known as "the weekend"! Please don't get me wrong - I think each day is special and that good things can and do come along at any time - but there is something just a little "special" about knowing that you can walk away from the office this afternoon and put all the bizness stuff behind you for two days! [side note: for those of you who have to work on Saturday and/or Sunday - ignore this blog - I'm NOT trying to rub it in!]

I don't think I'm going to write a whole lot in here today - mostly because I don't want to spend my entire lunch hour here - but also because I'm trying to ease into weekend mode a little early! Where, when it comes to work - less is more!

I'm going to be doing some networking tonight to try and drum up some business for my photography and also for my bf's interior design business. My wife has a happy-hour planned with some friends from her office. She's excited but a little hesitant too. We usually do social things together. I'm sure she will be just fine and have a really good time.

Last weekend I went to a pool party and it was great. I would like to find another one this weekend - mainly because I've had so little time to swim this year and I love the water. I'm not going to put a lot of effort into it tho - there are so MANY things I could be doing.

Well - I'm off to grab a bite to eat and start working my way out of these shoes and into some flip-flops!

WOOF ya later!
- bbw

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