Friday, September 16, 2005

09/16/2005 - PROUD BEGINNINGS...

Gosh! It's been a week since I wrote anything here. I knew I was busy - but I guess I was busier than I thought! If anyone is even reading this, my apologies for the delay. :)

This weekend is "Pride" weekend in the Dallas gay community. There will be people in from out of town and a parade on Sunday. Supposedly it is a big deal. I've never attended any of the events before so it will all be new to me. Hopefully the weather will be nice for the parade. I think my allergies and sinus issues have decided to turn into a head-cold, so I have that to deal with too.

This has also been a week full of different, yet meaningful and deep conversations. Some with my wife, some with my kids and still some others with friends and acquaintances. Sometimes deeply felt, emotional conversations can take a huge toll on my emotional resources. I guess that is why I'm feeling somewhat depleted today. Of course - it could also be the head-cold! Perhaps I should take off early and get some bed-rest today. I'll have to consider that. I do have quite a bit of work to get done so I don't think that will happen.

I also spoke this week with some more people who had been displaced by hurricane Katrina, and were now living off the kindness of friends in Houston. I asked them if they knew some of my friends from New Orleans and one of the guys did - but had not been in touch with them since before the storm. He said a lot of people still had no phone or computer access. In fact - many computers got ruined in the flood waters. So I'm still looking for confirmation that the people I know from that area are alright.

I will continue to think of, and pray for them, and all other affected by the storm and ensuing destruction.

Please remember to keep each other close, safe and warm. Everyone needs someone to love them.

WOOF ya later!
- bbw

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