Wednesday, August 03, 2005

08/03/2005 - MIDWEEK BLUES?

I've heard of "blue monday" but what about Tuesday or Wednesday? Is that allowed? Well it doesn't matter - I'm not going to let a bit of "down" feelings spoil my day or my life!

I have had some trouble communicating with folks lately. Not sure what's going on with that - after all - I think I did a pretty decent job with the kids on Sunday. Perhaps it's just the fact that I'm still feeling crappy due to allergies. Maybe it is that I don't have a lot of job satisfaction. Or, maybe I'm just feeling some pressure from outside sources, or people... pressure to try and "make" them feel better and me feeling down because I just can't.

In any event - it is now Wednesday AND the workday is almost over. (YES I'm typing this while at work! Now go take your cigarette break!). This has been a busy/hectic week already. Lot's going on at the office. Much more than usual, but I'm going to take that as a "good thing" for now.

Emotionally I'm feeling somewhat distant, disconnected and cold. I'm not particularly angry, hurt or bothered, just somewhat "shut down" on the inside. I'm not excited about anything. Could care less if I go anywhere, see anyone or do anything. I get like that sometimes - and I guess it is OK because I don't give in to the feelings. I have a meeting this evening for married men who are bi/gay/curious. It is a good group and they all have a lot to offer. I would suggest it for anyone who is going through such issues - or for anyone who has already been through it because your experience can really help others!

Well, I think that is all I need to write for today. I know it's not much, and not very deep, profound or thought provoking - but hey... what more do you want on a Wednesday? Perhaps you could contact me and we could go to Monica's tonight for 50-Cent margaritas!!! (or are they 75 cents now?) ANYWAY....

WOOF ya later!
- bbw

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