Tuesday, March 22, 2005

03/22/2005 - HOPPING INTO SPRING...

Yes - Easter is just around the corner! Woo Hoo! I really don't have any plans yet but I'm sure I will have to come up with something. The weather here in the Dallas area is getting really really sweet! This is my second day in short-sleeves and I'm loving it. Soon things will get HOT and we will have that to complain about!

I just spent 5 days in NYC with my daughter and her choir as I chaperoned these high school kids on the trip of a lifetime! It was COLD there but we really had wonderful weather. We had snow one night that made everything in Central Park white and sparkly. I got some great pictures. We also spent plenty of time in Times Square and even took an impromptu limo ride around downtown Manhattan. That was a real fun ride especially for the kids who had never been inside a limo.

Getting back home and trying to get back into the work grind has been a bit difficult. Also, my personal life has been hectic as usual with me trying to do so much and stay involved in everything! But hey - I'm not stressed.... nooooooooooooooo! :D

Well, as I realized that this will be a short week at work - since Good Friday is a company holiday - my mood just got ratcheted up from "really good" to "whoopie"!!!

Signing off now... Woof you later!
- bbw

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