Monday, March 28, 2005

03/28/2005 - MONDAY MADNESS...

Actually - it IS Monday - but there isn't that much madness... The morning has been very quiet at work as I prepare for meetings. Home was a different story. My daughter and wife both stayed home not feeling well. I think my daughter's Crohn's is acting up again - and my wife seems to be "down" about current job and life struggles in general. I told her I would try to get away from work early and spend some time with her before my church meeting tonight.

I went through the NYC pictures today. It is fun to revisit them and remember what was going on at the time. Remembering the temperatures, feelings, smells etc. I definitely want to go back to Manhattan again.

Another earthquake reported off the Sumatran coast today - there are many who are fearing a repeat of the December 2005 tsunami. I pray their fears are unfounded. It may take hours before we know.

Pray for them... pray for us... pray for the world! Lord knows we need it!

Woof you later!
- bbw

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