Sunday, January 01, 2006

01/01/2006 - TO BEGIN AGAIN...

Here we are - a new year has begun! I'm not sure about you, but I've never been big on new year's resolutions. It's just never made much sense to me. Why wait until the beginning of a new year to put into practice something you know you should have done on May 18th?! Now I'm not trying to stomp on anyone's tradition. I believe it is fine for those you practice it - but for me - I want to practice daily resolutions. That is... as each day unfolds and I come across something I need to change in order for my life to be more fulfilled - I want to put that change into effect ASAP!

I hope that as 2006 begins to open up to us, that we can all move into it with intention and determination. I hope we can all find the strength and motivation to develop new self-disciplines if that is what we need to get our lives in order. This is particularly important to me because I tend to over-stretch my life, my time and my involvement in so many different areas. Also, my office at home and my garage are both a wreck - and I need to be more disciplined in cleaning them up - organizing them and keeping them that way!

I also pray that each of you find peace, love and fulfillment this year. That you find a way to make your own lives better and also enhance the lives of those around you.

Happy New Year everyone! May it be the best one yet!!!

WOOF ya later!
- bbw

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