Tuesday, March 01, 2005

03/01/2005 - RETURN FROM THE VOID...

Well I'm back... from where you ask? (or perhaps you really don't care - and who could blame you!?) I'm back from a busy busy life that has had little time for blogging...

Actually, I still have little time - but decided to put that little time into a few lines. This is as much for me as for anyone who might come across these paragraphs in cyberworld.

My personal life has been quite hectic, in both good and bad ways since my last post in July. Since then I have had my truck broken into twice, I have met a new friend who impacts every aspect of my life, and makes my life richer. I have traveled to Los Angeles and am planning another trip to NYC next week.

I've seen my kids getting older, more mature. My 15 year old son turns 16 in a few days and will soon be learning to drive. My 17 year old daughter is driving on her own now, and dating seriously for the first time in her life. Her boyfriend seems to be the kind of guy I would have picked for her - although I don't dare tell her that (she might dump him!)

My wife and I went through some times of "distance" but are closer than ever before right now. She has even embraced my new friend and the two of them have also begun to form their own friendship.

Life is a funny, scary, wonderful journey. At this point in time it is leaning more toward wonderful, but there are always troubles on the horizon - I just feel stronger now and better able to face those challenges as they come into view and into reality.

The one area where satisfaction cannot be found right now is in my job. I've updated my resume' and begun posting it on the net. So far the only "bites" are from insurance companies looking to beef up their sales staff - NOT INTERESTED! :) Things at the office are shaking up again and it could be that once the dust settles I'll find myself doing something I enjoy... for now I keep my eyes and ears open and bide my time.

Thought for today:
Find that "piece", that "image" of God, in each person - and in some special way, bless that person - the blessings will certainly be returned many times over...

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