They say rolling stones gather no moss. Well I’m not sure we’ve exactly been “rolling” but things have been busy this month for sure! 2008 came in with a bang! and January is gone already!
I’m glad to report that Al’s surgery went well. It was longer than we originally anticipated. A little over 8 and a half hours! They had him face down on a steel table, unconscious the entire time. Even though there was a pad under him, it was so stressful on his body physically that it caused two huge pressure sores on his chest that looked like 2nd degree burns and actually had to be treated with silver sulfadine cream. The doctor told me there was a lot of pressure on Al’s spine but said he did great through the surgery and everything went well. He spent about 2 and a half hours in recovery before they sent him up to his room Friday evening. The hospital staff was generally very good, and outside of some quirky nurses, they took good care of us until we left on Sunday afternoon. The room we were in was a large private sweet with a couch that pulled out into a bed, so I was able to spend the entire time there with him and take care of him. Al’s second cousin, Melanie was a sweetheart and came over everyday and brought me meals and kept us both company.
Recovery at home the past week and a half has been slow but steady. People have been asking me how Al is doing and I tell them “He’s getting better every day!” Which is true. He is getting up out of bed by himself and can get around the house. But I still have to put his socks on in the morning before I go to work and make his lunch and put it on a high shelf in the fridge so he can reach it. We still have about three and a half weeks before he goes back to the doctor for a checkup. Hopefully by then he will be feeling stronger and have a better range of motion.
Another change looming is my divorce. Tomorrow is my first court appearance. I’m not really sure what to expect. I know that my wife has been less than communicative about everything since she moved out except when she wants something and the latest batch of papers from her attorney indicate that they are now trying to say the divorce is my fault. This is quite a departure from all the conversations my wife and I have had in the past about how we wanted to handle our divorce, but it’s no surprise that she has changed her mind. It’s just sad to see her choose to throw away friendship in exchange for some material possessions to which she somehow feels entitled.
I’ve always wanted her to be happy. I don’t think anything I own, or any amount of money is going to bring her that happiness. I hope that she finds it in herself.
As February comes rushing at us… I still don’t really know who I will be cheering on at the Super Bowl Party! I know Al is going for the Patriots (ONLY because of Tom Brady!) and I’m usually known for picking the underdog – so will I pick the Giants? Who knows? If you see me – make sure and wish me a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
WOOF ya later!
~ bbw