Wednesday, June 30, 2004

06/30/2004 - WORKING MY WAY BACK...

what a day yesterday was! it seemed that everything was working against me... i got to work and my pc was fried - it would not boot up for anything! i took it to the tech department personally and they agreed to squeeze me in and take a look at it but they felt i needed a new hard drive. turns out i only needed a re-image but i was not able to save my settings or my download files so i have to reconfigure and reload software and that could take upwards of two weeks just to get it back to semi-normalcy. then, when i left the office early because my all-day meeting ended at 3pm - i got to my truck and it would not start! i called a friend for a jump and that got me going. i went straight to walmart because my batter is about 18 months old but has a three year warranty. i parked the truck near the auto department and turned it off. i cranked it again to see if it would start - nothing! the battery was dead! after dealing with some knucklehead who told me i couldn't park where i was (i explained that i had a dead battery - he didn't seem to understand that a battery was required to start and move my truck!) i went inside walmart and got a new battery. i reconnected and was on my way. today i'm starting the reconfigure and load of my pc... in the meantime i'm taking a break to post this.

in my immediate world - we are having a whole lot of rain! we are one inch short of breaking a 1929 record i heard someone say. all i know is that it is muggy and wet outside. not what i expect in june in texas!

well - back to reconfiguring... take good care of your friends, family, loved ones and your neighbors....

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