Monday, June 28, 2004

06/28/2004 - OFF TO A GOOD START!

it's monday, and rainy (stormy actually!) but a good day so far. uncovered a few financial discrepancies but got most of those handled already...

the weekend was good. mm's play was a huge success and she really nailed her songs sunday afternoon! everyone in the audience just went wild. now that the production is over it's time for her to find a job!

it is a sad thing that as we (our nation) ponders the meaning of freedom, leading up to july 4, that we find another of our armed forces personnel, Marine Corporal Wassef Ali Hassoun, captive in the hands of terrorist muslim murderers. also, a Pakistani driver identified only as Amjad is also being held captive. chances are they will both be viciously beheaded before we even light our first firecracker. i pray for them, their families and friends and for our countries. we are all hurting... please pray for and care for each other a little more each day.

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