Wednesday, June 23, 2004

06/23/2004 - BEGINS THE DAY...

day 2 in blogdom... haven't really watched the news, just scanned the net headlines to see that korean's are outraged at the murder of Kim Sun-Il. also noted that the funerals for the four people killed at the ft. worth watergardens this past week will be held in chicago tomorrow. the mayor of ft. worth and some others are flying up for that. i'm still wondering how such a tragedy can happen, and what safety measures will be put into place. i also wonder if there will be some law suits behind this tragedy. it's all such a pity - and so wasteful.

my brain is having a hard time getting going this morning. i'm going to drink my apple-spice tea and see what the calendar looks like today. only three scheduled meetings - but it's the "unscheduled" meetings that alway put a kink in the works. will add more thoughts later... assuming i have some.

... here's a tidbit: word for the day
pen·chant [pénchənt] noun: liking or tendency: a strong liking, taste, or tendency for something
[late 17th century. from french, the present participle of pencher “to incline,” from, ultimately, latin pendere

... i really would like to add a pic to my profile and other pics to my posts but i don't know how. i downloaded "hello" but it won't even allow me to sign-on through the firewall at work. if anyone knows of an easy way to get pics on the blog - please let me know. grazie

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