Monday, December 18, 2006

12/18/2006 - AROUND THE CORNER...

It's almost 2am and I should probably get to sleep. It has been a good weekend overall. Al has been suffering with a painful sprain in his lower back since pulling it at work on Thursday - so we have been taking it easy and hoping it will heal up soon.

We are about to head into the last week before Christmas and it will be a short week at work. I'm excited about taking some time off, especially since work hasn't been exactly challenging as of late. At least the pay is good and I get along with the people.

I'm already looking ahead into 2007 and trying to imagine what changes the new year will bring. We don't know what is waiting around the corner at any point in our lives - but we can initiate change, and I hope to be an active agent in as much of that as possible moving forward. That's not to say that I have lived my life in the past as a passive bystander - far from it. But so often I have felt like a victim of circumstance, or an ineffectual contributor. In 2007 (no! this is not a resolution!) I want to be even MORE intentional about the path my life takes. I want to plan more of my "journey" and shape it in a way that I feel I'm getting the most out of my life - and that my life is getting the best from me.

I've already started the wheels in motion with my family, signaling changes that are to come in the future. They all know I want to move to Australia someday - but so far that has just been a dream. I guess an easier way to say it is that I want to start focusing on making my dreams come true.

I've spent a good part of my 44 years trying to please others and make them as comfortable as possible in life, sometimes succeeding but often failing miserably. It took me a long time to realize that the inability of others to find contentment wasn't really MY failure, nor was it ever really my responsibility to make others happy, to make them comfortable or to make sure they were fulfilled, and certainly not at my own expense.

So I move forward with a slightly different perspective now, and yes it continues to change and alter as I continue to learn and grow. I am blessed to have a partner now who is skilled at helping me find focus (he'll laugh at that - but it's true!) and who believe in me enough to nudge me forward when I'm having an off day, or week or what-have-you!

I'll admit - I have no certainty about what lies around the corner, but I do know - it's a part of my life - and what I call "the Adventure". So bring it on!

WOOF ya later!
~ bbw

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

12/12/2006 - EVERYTHING BUT THE...

Lists were all made. Gifts have all been purchased and wrapped and crowding the tree. Cards have all been written, addressed, stamped and mailed. Some parties already behind us. A few still to come. Two Advent Sundays down. Two to go. Nicklaus Tag finished and the boots put away. Trees are all up. Lights are hung. Stockings are already getting stuffed. Can this really be true? Can it be that I am this far ahead of the "game"? Yes! Even the relatives in Germany should get their cards before Weinachten this year! Someone... pinch me! QUICK!

I only make a big deal about it because... well, it's a big deal to me! It is a rare thing when I don't have last minute things to do and buy and worry about. Of course I'm sure there will be some small things I'll want to add here and there between now and Christmas day - but I'll be able to do that without stress because everything else is taken care of! But I certainly can't take credit for all of this! It was a great team effort! I especially want to thank my bf for keeping me focused.

I think the kids are really getting excited! That's usually where I get my energy from too around this time of year - seeing their faces and the look of anticipation in their eyes. It's the best! I also love the traditions we have followed over the years and this year has been a little different because now that they are older - they work, and our schedules make getting everyone in the house together at the same time much more difficult! But we have managed to keep some semblance of those traditions alive! It's the memories we continue to create that warm my heart and soul.

So - it looks like all the preparations are pretty much done... everything is ready except for the weather... so bring on the SNOW!!!!!

WOOF ya later!
~ bbw

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

12/05/2006 - BUSY DAZE, ER... DAYS...

WOW! December already!!! In some ways it is very exciting and in other ways, I am sad to see another year already gone.

Thanksgiving was WONDERFUL this year as we had a house FULL of family and friends - and I mean FULL!!! And in truth, I had two Thanksgivings this year. The first was the weekend before actual Thanksgiving. I traveled with my bf to visit his family, including his children who drove in from West Virginia to see us! Since they are living so far away now - we also celebrated an early Christmas with them. It was a lot of fun for everyone and the kids seemed really happy to get to spend the time with us. Of course, getting gifts was really cool too!

After returning to Texas, Al and I spent actual Thanksgiving Day at home with my wife and kids and even my oldest son came home with his girlfriend, plus my nieces came and several family friends. Like I said - the house was full! And where there's a lot of people - there's also a lot of food - including two turkeys, a ham and loads of potatoes, vegetables, pies and more! Dontcha just love the holidays! And here comes Christmas!!!! LOL

My daughter and youngest son have both been working a lot so that keeps them pretty busy but recently my son participated with Al and I in a charity art show/auction. We each went in and created a piece for installation on a Thursday night (during the ice storm in Dallas!) and then went back for the auction on Friday. It was very exciting and was the first such experience for my son. He was really pumped up about the whole event and process. The couple who purchased his painting wanted to meet him and took pictures with him and his artwork at the end of the show. He was really flying high at the end of the night. It was a wonderful thing for a dad to watch! He’s already looking forward to doing it again next year! (so am I)

So now I’m trying to get all of my gifts bought and wrapped, and cards written, stamped and mailed. If I can get all that done by the 25th that will be quite an achievement. I’m sure I’ll get MOST of it done.

I’ll leave you now with thoughts of joy, peace and love. I hope you are all looking forward to a wonderful Christmas holiday and a SUPER New Year! With any luck and some effort – I’ll get a chance to see you in person in 2007!

Until then – peace to you all!

WOOF ya later!
~ bbw