Tuesday, July 06, 2004

07/06/2004 - BACK TO IT...

praise God that marine Cpl. Wassef Ali Hassoun has been freed. i had expected all weekend long to hear that he had been beheaded. i'm not sure why he was spared but am very relieved that he was released!

this 4th of july weekend was a good one. i worked from home on friday which kind of gave me a head start into the weekend - and was able to spend lots of time with my family. my wife and i took the kids all over and just really had some good time with them. we visited a new health club and decided to join and they are all excited about that. we also went to the coffee shop in murphy where we will be singing twice this month and worked up a schedule for those two shows. the folks that work there are very excited - and also relieved that we will be bringing our own sound system since what they have is not adequate.

i have some work to catch up after being out for three days but the day should be fairly easy.